Filed in Content Marketing, Copywriting — August 9, 2022

How to Plan a Month’s Worth of Content in One Day

It’s easy to become overwhelmed as a business owner when you have so many things to do. It feels impossible to get all of it done, so naturally something falls by the wayside…and usually, content creation gets put on the back burner.

When you’re busy running your business, one week of forgotten content creation can quickly turn into one month. It takes a good amount of effort and involvement to strategize, write, and create graphics for your content. Plus, there are so many different marketing platforms to manage, from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter to your own website, email marketing, blogs, the list goes on. At some point, it just feels like too much.

So, instead of just doing something with their marketing (like picking a few channels and sticking with them), a lot of business owners end up doing nothing. They just feel frozen and stuck in a state of complete overwhelm. Maybe you can relate?

You probably can guess what we’re about to tell you: This is the wrong approach! Not only is marketing and content creation an extremely important part of your business strategy, but it CAN become manageable. In this post, we’ll show you how. 

Getting Started

This strategy we’ll share with you today is a way to streamline and simplify your content creation plan into something that’s sustainable for you as a business owner. Any content creation plan that isn’t exciting or interesting to you OR your ideal customer is not going to last very long. And if it’s not something you can stick to, it’s not worth doing.  

The easiest and best way to create a month’s worth of content in one day is by:

  • Focusing on one topic for the month

  • Writing one quality piece of content on the subject

  • Repurposing the post into the rest of your marketing content

Keep reading to find out how to bring this to life. 

Establish Your Goals

You’ll need to start by picking one main goal for the month (or the quarter). This usually will be tied to a revenue goal–for example, gaining 5 new leads, signing 2 new clients, launching a new package, or dropping a new product. Whatever you choose will be dependent on what stage of business you’re in and your business goals. Pick a goal that will be challenging but manageable for you to accomplish. 

Next, you’ll pick two or three overarching themes that support that goal. Ask yourself, what are 2 or 3 concrete ways that will make my goal a reality? The aim here is to provide valuable, educational content that links to your services while building rapport with your audience. 

Maybe you’re a website designer, and your goal is to gain a new client for your VIP day offer. If that’s the case, one of your themes might be to discuss the pros and cons of different web platforms. Another could be to explain what business owners should look for when hiring a web designer to create a website. Both of these topics  will provide useful information to your audience while encouraging them to consider your offers. They are broad topics that you can likely talk about for hours, and they help showcase your subject matter expertise.  

Writing A Blog

The next step is to pick ONE of those themes and turn it into a blog–bonus points if it includes the keywords you want to rank for!

This blog will be your core piece of content, and you’ll base the rest of the month’s content around this post. Blogs are a great place to start with your content creation since they are a larger piece of content to work from. Not to mention, blogs have tons of benefits–they drive traffic to your website, boost your SEO, keep your audience engaged, and help establish you as a subject matter expert. 

Need help writing your blog? Check out a few of these resources:

Why Every Business Needs Blogs

6 Tips to Write the Perfect Blog Post

What is SEO Friendly Copywriting?

Creating Social Media Posts

After your blog is written, you’ll have enough content to break down and use for social media posts throughout the month. 

Use the subheaders in your blog to help guide you. Pick the key pieces of information in each section and use each as an individual post. For example, if you wrote a blog about the best tips and tricks for designing a website, then make each tip its own social media post. 

And don’t be afraid to copy/paste a few phrases for your social media posts. Repetition proves to your audience you know what you’re doing. It shows consistency across your brand. 

Putting Together a Newsletter

And finally…you can use your blog to create a newsletter as well. Write up a quick summary for your blog, and add it to the newsletter. Be sure to include a CTA that links to the blog on your website–this will boost your traffic!

To round out the blog, add a bit of flair and some personal touches. Consider sending out your newsletter before posting your social media for the month so your subscribers get first access to your content. 

And that’s it! You’re done. Now you have a blog, social media posts, and a newsletter for the month–in just one day of content planning.


Here’s the deal–if you think you’re repeating yourself, you’re not. You read your content more than ANYONE else ever will. And if your audience does notice the repetition, the consistency will only establish you as a reputable subject matter expert.  

It can take time to get the hang of creating and delivering your content. This is our tried-and-true method for stress-free content creation, and you should definitely give it a try. But if you need some support creating a strategic content marketing plan, get in touch. We’re always here to help you plan and write your blogs, social media posts, and newsletters.

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