Writing your first sales page can be a daunting task. You might be asking yourself, How am I going to position my offer? How do I convince people it’s worth it? What can I say to encourage them to trust me?
These are good questions, and they’re ones worth asking. Ideally, a sales page will tick all these boxes and steer a potential client towards deciding your offer is right for them.
There’s an art to a high-quality sales page, and it follows a well-defined structure. If you follow it–and sprinkle in your creativity, of course–your audience will have every incentive to click on your CTA and convert to being paying clients.
Let’s dive in.
The headline is the shortest section of your sales page, but also one of the most important. It’s what will hook your audience’s attention and entice them to keep scrolling to read more.
Even though the headline is the first part of your sales page, it’s a good idea to write this part last. That way, you get a chance to understand what it is you’re saying to your audience so you can some it up in a short phrase later on. You might even be able to take a piece of your sales copy in the rest of your page and repurpose it into the headline, but you’ll only know if this will work once you’ve written the whole thing.
This section of your sales page is where you give your readers the chance to self-select into your offer. It means they decide your offer applies to them–and they decide to keep reading.
The lead-in is the perfect time to add in a few details about you: Who you are, why they should trust you, and what skills and abilities you offer. Here, the goal is to show your audience that you are an expert in your field and have the solution to their problem.
At this point, it’s time to introduce the problem. Doing this early on helps readers go through that self-selection process. After all, if it’s not a problem they’re experiencing, your offer isn’t going to benefit them, and they won’t be interested in it.
When you introduce the problem, lean into the emotions of it. Your reader should never feel attacked or called-out, but they should feel safe, heard, and understood. Show them that you get it. Show them that you’ve been in their position, and you know how tough it can be.
You can even offer a general solution to the problem they’re experiencing, but keep in mind that the solution is not your offer–at least not yet. That part will come in the next section.
This is it! This is where you can proudly explain what you have to offer them. Introduce your specific version of the solution using a clear and concise selling proposition.
Give short and sweet explanations of the what/how/where/when questions. And don’t forget about pricing, too–chances are your audience wants to know how much this is going to cost them, and whether or not it will be worth it to them.
The value of what you’re offering should be greater than the price they’re getting it for. After reading your full sales page, your audience should understand how valuable your offer really is. This is what sweetens the deal and encourages them to sign up.
Get your audience excited by describing the benefits and explaining what’s in it for them. This is where you want to speak to the emotional buyer–whereas above in the “features” section, you spoke to the logical buyer.
Don’t just talk about the features here, but dig into why these features provide real benefits to your clients. People come in with a problem, and want to leave with their problems solved. When you discuss the benefits, make sure to highlight the desired results and why your prospect should invest in your offer.
You’ve already explained a little bit about who you are in the lead-in, but now is the time to add some social proof.
If you have testimonials from people who have benefitted from your offer in the past, add them here! Any press coverage? Social media coverage? Other brands you’ve worked with? Highlight any previous work you’ve done that lends credibility to your offer and gives your audience yet another reason to trust you.
Last but not least, give your prospects a chance to sign up, put their name on a waiting list, or some other way to take the next step.
Make your CTA clear and straight to the point. You can include calls to action through the sales page, but this is the one that will drive conversions. It should be the last thing they see on the page. That way, if they scroll all the way to the bottom, your CTA button will pop up encouraging them to join.
Writing your sales page takes some practice, but over time, you’ll start to hit all the right notes.
When you’re starting out, check out other websites for inspiration. See what they do well, and what they could improve. Use that insight to help you write your own sales page.
Need help writing a high-converting sales page? Let us know. We’re here to help!